Hogust is here and we are off to a great start. Chinook fishing has improved dramatically since that wave of pinks rolled through the sound eating up everything in their path. There were ten Tyee caught this trip(quite a few that didn’t make it into the net) including a 36 pound release which won the July Derby, by Morgan with her dad Brett and guide Pounder. Biggest of them all was a 45 caught up at number 5. The fishing is good but with these huge tides we have seen more snap bites in the Honey Hole and Number 5. If you are there at the right time you get an hour of the best fishing imaginable. The more consistent fishing has been Borrowman and Kettle Inlet. Anyone who has stuck it out there has done beyond well. Coho seemed to have slimmed up a bit, but still are being caught regularly in the Honey Hole and top end of the islands. Gear being run has been all over the board – Borrowman is Red Flashers, Kettle and the Honey Hole prefer Green UV and small herring or anchovy. There is a crazy amount of smaller bait in those areas. Pretty windy over the past couple of days, so not a heck of a lot to report aside from a pretty good catch out at Towner and some decent halibut from the Pinnacle.
North King Fishing Lodge - Caamano Sound, BC
Fly in salmon fishing lodge resort on the magnificent Westcoast of British Columbia, Canada
Trophy Chinook Salmon Fishing & Coho Salmon Fishing Trip Packages - Bonus Halibut, Ling Cod & Red Snapper
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Located between Prince Rupert and Bella Bella - Fly-in from Vancouver, BC
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